Sorting, searching, and graphs
Types of Sorting
Internal Sorting
- Insertion Sort: sorting one element at a time, and inserting each element into its proper place.
- Selection Sort: finding smallest element in the list and swapping it with first element and second place for second smallest element.
- Bubble/Exchange Sort: by comparing and swapping adjacent elements in the list by swapping them if they are in the wrong order.
- Quick Sort: divide and conquer algorithm that works by selecting pivot element, and doing partition around the pivot and recursively sorting each sub list.
- Merge Sort: dividing list into two halves, and sorting each half and then merging the two sorted halves.
- Heap Sort: based on heap data structure which is a binary tree, where each node is greater than or equals to its child.
- Shell Sort: Based on insertion sort, and works by comparing elements that are further apart in the list first, and moving them closer.
Sorting Algorithm | Time Complexity | Space Complexity | Application |
Insertion Sort | O(n^2) | O(1) | Small data set, partially sorted values |
Selection Sort | O(n^2) | O(1) | Small data set, with duplicate values |
Bubble/Exchange Sort | O(n^2) | O(1) | Small data set, Education |
Quick Sort | O(n^2), θ(nlogn) | O(logn) | Large Dataset, randomly ordered |
Merge Sort | O(nlogn) | O(n) | Large dataset, partially stored data |
Heap Sort | O(nlogn) | O(1) | Efficient, data with duplicates |
Shell Sort | O(nlogn^2) | O(1) | Efficient for data with small number of possible values. |
External Sorting
Technique used to sort large amount of data the doesn’t fit in the memory entirely. Works by dividing the data into smaller pieces that can be sorted separately.
Example: External Merge Sort and Distribution Sort.